The Crew of the Dora

The Crew of the Dora (German: Besatzung Dora) is a 1943 German film about Luftwaffe pilots. It depicts a love triangle involving two of them being overcome by their participation in battle together. The film was banned in 1944, because of the worsening war situation; while on leave one character inspires a girl with hopes of settling in the east, a dream that no longer appeared possible.

The Crew of the Dora

The Crew of the Dora (German: Besatzung Dora) is a 1943 German film about Luftwaffe pilots. It depicts a love triangle involving two of them being overcome by their participation in battle together. The film was banned in 1944, because of the worsening war situation; while on leave one character inspires a girl with hopes of settling in the east, a dream that no longer appeared possible.