The Priest and the Girl

The Priest and the Girl (Portuguese: O Padre e a Moça) is a 1965 Brazilian drama film directed by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, based on Carlos Drummond de Andrade's poem of the same name. The directorial debut of Andrade, it was shot on São Gonçalo dos Rios das Pedras, Gruta de Maquiné, and Espinhaço Mountains, all locations of Minas Gerais.

The Priest and the Girl

The Priest and the Girl (Portuguese: O Padre e a Moça) is a 1965 Brazilian drama film directed by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, based on Carlos Drummond de Andrade's poem of the same name. The directorial debut of Andrade, it was shot on São Gonçalo dos Rios das Pedras, Gruta de Maquiné, and Espinhaço Mountains, all locations of Minas Gerais.