The Story of Jacob and Joseph

The Story of Jacob and Joseph is a 1974 American historical drama television film directed by Michael Cacoyannis, based on the biblical Book of Genesis with a screenplay written by Ernest Kinoy. It stars Keith Michell as Jacob, Tony Lo Bianco as Joseph, Colleen Dewhurst as Rebekah, Herschel Bernardi as Laban, Harry Andrews as Isaac, and Julian Glover as Esau.

The Story of Jacob and Joseph

The Story of Jacob and Joseph is a 1974 American historical drama television film directed by Michael Cacoyannis, based on the biblical Book of Genesis with a screenplay written by Ernest Kinoy. It stars Keith Michell as Jacob, Tony Lo Bianco as Joseph, Colleen Dewhurst as Rebekah, Herschel Bernardi as Laban, Harry Andrews as Isaac, and Julian Glover as Esau.