The U (film)

The U is a 2009 documentary film about the University of Miami football program. It was produced by Miami-based media studio Rakontur and directed by Billy Corben. The film premiered December 12, 2009 after the Heisman Trophy presentation on ESPN as a part of their 30 for 30 documentary series. The U's premiere drew 2.3 million viewers, the most ever for a documentary on the sports cable network until the debut of Pony Excess, another college football documentary about the Southern Methodist University football scandal in the 1980s.

The U (film)

The U is a 2009 documentary film about the University of Miami football program. It was produced by Miami-based media studio Rakontur and directed by Billy Corben. The film premiered December 12, 2009 after the Heisman Trophy presentation on ESPN as a part of their 30 for 30 documentary series. The U's premiere drew 2.3 million viewers, the most ever for a documentary on the sports cable network until the debut of Pony Excess, another college football documentary about the Southern Methodist University football scandal in the 1980s.