This Place Hotel

"This Place Hotel" (originally named "Heartbreak Hotel") was a hit recording by The Jacksons when it was released in 1980. Written and composed by Michael (and produced by The Jacksons), the song would precede Jackson's own hit, "Billie Jean", in its insecurity-plagued tale of confusion. While his brothers did not sing background vocals, they were credited with playing percussion on the album while brother Tito contributed a guitar solo. The song has a tempo of 98 beats per minute, making it notably slower than many of the other disco-based songs on the album. In the song, the protagonist speaks of a time when ten years ago, he took his girlfriend to a hotel for a romantic night - only to find out that it was designed specifically to break couples up. The staff at the hotel gave the girl t

This Place Hotel

"This Place Hotel" (originally named "Heartbreak Hotel") was a hit recording by The Jacksons when it was released in 1980. Written and composed by Michael (and produced by The Jacksons), the song would precede Jackson's own hit, "Billie Jean", in its insecurity-plagued tale of confusion. While his brothers did not sing background vocals, they were credited with playing percussion on the album while brother Tito contributed a guitar solo. The song has a tempo of 98 beats per minute, making it notably slower than many of the other disco-based songs on the album. In the song, the protagonist speaks of a time when ten years ago, he took his girlfriend to a hotel for a romantic night - only to find out that it was designed specifically to break couples up. The staff at the hotel gave the girl t