Thousand Islands Secondary School

Thousand Islands Secondary School (TISS) is a public high school in the city of Brockville, Ontario and the most populous high school managed by the Upper Canada District School Board. Perhaps most famous for the success of their athletic program and the exploits of Canadian Olympian basketball player/WNBA all-star/TISS alumna Stacey Dales, the school has been a part of the Brockville community for 50 years.

Thousand Islands Secondary School

Thousand Islands Secondary School (TISS) is a public high school in the city of Brockville, Ontario and the most populous high school managed by the Upper Canada District School Board. Perhaps most famous for the success of their athletic program and the exploits of Canadian Olympian basketball player/WNBA all-star/TISS alumna Stacey Dales, the school has been a part of the Brockville community for 50 years.