Threshold (2003 film)

Threshold is a 2003 Sci-Fi Pictures original film adaptation of the 1958 black and white science fiction film It! The Terror from Beyond Space (directed by Edward L. Cahn). The film stars Nicholas Lea (The X-Files' Alex Krycek), Jamie Luner (Melrose Place's Lexi Sterling) and Steve Bacic (Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda). Other notable cast members include Teryl Rothery, television mogul Stephen J. Cannell (as Pacheco Laval) and Gloria Slade.

Threshold (2003 film)

Threshold is a 2003 Sci-Fi Pictures original film adaptation of the 1958 black and white science fiction film It! The Terror from Beyond Space (directed by Edward L. Cahn). The film stars Nicholas Lea (The X-Files' Alex Krycek), Jamie Luner (Melrose Place's Lexi Sterling) and Steve Bacic (Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda). Other notable cast members include Teryl Rothery, television mogul Stephen J. Cannell (as Pacheco Laval) and Gloria Slade.