Together (1971 film)

Together is a 1971 film directed by Sean S. Cunningham. Cunningham's first film attracted Wes Craven who wanted to be in the film business. This was Craven's first credit. Cunningham and Craven would later work on The Last House on the Left. The film features a young Marilyn Chambers, billed under her real name, Marilyn Briggs, before she starred in Behind the Green Door.

Together (1971 film)

Together is a 1971 film directed by Sean S. Cunningham. Cunningham's first film attracted Wes Craven who wanted to be in the film business. This was Craven's first credit. Cunningham and Craven would later work on The Last House on the Left. The film features a young Marilyn Chambers, billed under her real name, Marilyn Briggs, before she starred in Behind the Green Door.