Trans-Karakoram Tract

The Trans-Karakoram Tract (Hindi: शक्स्गम्, Shaksgam;Chinese: 喀喇昆仑走廊; pinyin: Kālǎkūnlún zǒuláng), also known as Shaksgam or the Shaksgam Tract, is an area of more than 9,900 km2 (3,822 sq mi) along both sides of the Shaksgam River and extending from the Karakoram to the Kunlun range. The tract is entirely administered by the People's Republic of China as a part of Kargilik County and Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County in the Kashgar Prefecture of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, but claimed by Pakistan until 1963. It is claimed by India as part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Trans-Karakoram Tract

The Trans-Karakoram Tract (Hindi: शक्स्गम्, Shaksgam;Chinese: 喀喇昆仑走廊; pinyin: Kālǎkūnlún zǒuláng), also known as Shaksgam or the Shaksgam Tract, is an area of more than 9,900 km2 (3,822 sq mi) along both sides of the Shaksgam River and extending from the Karakoram to the Kunlun range. The tract is entirely administered by the People's Republic of China as a part of Kargilik County and Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County in the Kashgar Prefecture of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, but claimed by Pakistan until 1963. It is claimed by India as part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.