Treaty Three Police Service

The Treaty Three Police Service (T3PS) in Ontario began as the Treaty #3 Policing Initiative in August 1999 as directed by the Executive Council of Grand Council of Treaty 3. It officially began operation on August 5, 2003, and became Canada’s newest First Nation self-administered police service. Members of Treaty Three Police are appointed as First Nations Constables by the Commissioner of the OPP pursuant to s.54 of the Police Services Act. They have the powers of a police officer for the purpose of carrying out duties specified in their appointments and under federal law have the powers and protections of peace officers. Because First Nations Constables are not police officers as defined by the Police Services Act, their status in law is different but equal to that of a police officer.

Treaty Three Police Service

The Treaty Three Police Service (T3PS) in Ontario began as the Treaty #3 Policing Initiative in August 1999 as directed by the Executive Council of Grand Council of Treaty 3. It officially began operation on August 5, 2003, and became Canada’s newest First Nation self-administered police service. Members of Treaty Three Police are appointed as First Nations Constables by the Commissioner of the OPP pursuant to s.54 of the Police Services Act. They have the powers of a police officer for the purpose of carrying out duties specified in their appointments and under federal law have the powers and protections of peace officers. Because First Nations Constables are not police officers as defined by the Police Services Act, their status in law is different but equal to that of a police officer.