Trevor Law Group

The Trevor Law Group was a three-member Beverly Hills law firm notable in California and nationally for their heavy-handed tort law abuse. In 2002, it was alleged that they engaged in a form of extortion by threatening to sue thousands of businesses for violating a now defunct provision of the Business & Professions Code, then offering to "settle" for a few thousand dollars apiece. They were investigated for this action and three principals of the firm were recommended for disbarment. They eventually gave up being lawyers.

Trevor Law Group

The Trevor Law Group was a three-member Beverly Hills law firm notable in California and nationally for their heavy-handed tort law abuse. In 2002, it was alleged that they engaged in a form of extortion by threatening to sue thousands of businesses for violating a now defunct provision of the Business & Professions Code, then offering to "settle" for a few thousand dollars apiece. They were investigated for this action and three principals of the firm were recommended for disbarment. They eventually gave up being lawyers.