Trimontium (Newstead)

Trimontium is the name of a Roman fort at Newstead, near Melrose, Scottish Borders, Scotland, close under the three Eildon Hills (whence the name trium montium). It was an advance post of the Romans in the Roman province of Valentia. The fort was identified by Ptolemy in his Geography. Trimontium was occupied by the Romans intermittently from 80 to 211. The fort was likely abandoned from c. 100-105 AD until c. 140 AD. At the height of the Roman occupation of the fort, no more than 1500 soldiers and a smaller civilian population lived in the settlement.

Trimontium (Newstead)

Trimontium is the name of a Roman fort at Newstead, near Melrose, Scottish Borders, Scotland, close under the three Eildon Hills (whence the name trium montium). It was an advance post of the Romans in the Roman province of Valentia. The fort was identified by Ptolemy in his Geography. Trimontium was occupied by the Romans intermittently from 80 to 211. The fort was likely abandoned from c. 100-105 AD until c. 140 AD. At the height of the Roman occupation of the fort, no more than 1500 soldiers and a smaller civilian population lived in the settlement.