Triptych of the Sedano family

Triptych of the Sedano family is an oil-on-panel triptych altarpiece by the Early Nethlandish painter Gerard David, usually dated between 1490 and 1498, probably c. 1495. It is noted for its innovative framing and for its rendering of the decorative oriental carpet seen at Mary's feet. The work, commissioned by the Castilian merchant Jean de Sedano, features the Virgin and child in an enclosed garden. Each wing shows a donor kneeling in prayer accompanied by a saint: John the Baptist is seen to the left, John the Evangelist to the right. The panels are unified by the continuous background landscape of green fields and a serene, deep blue seascape. When the wings are closed, the exterior shows Adam and Eve, thereby creating a contrast between the heavenly interior and sinful exterior.

Triptych of the Sedano family

Triptych of the Sedano family is an oil-on-panel triptych altarpiece by the Early Nethlandish painter Gerard David, usually dated between 1490 and 1498, probably c. 1495. It is noted for its innovative framing and for its rendering of the decorative oriental carpet seen at Mary's feet. The work, commissioned by the Castilian merchant Jean de Sedano, features the Virgin and child in an enclosed garden. Each wing shows a donor kneeling in prayer accompanied by a saint: John the Baptist is seen to the left, John the Evangelist to the right. The panels are unified by the continuous background landscape of green fields and a serene, deep blue seascape. When the wings are closed, the exterior shows Adam and Eve, thereby creating a contrast between the heavenly interior and sinful exterior.