
Tso-ay, also known as "Peaches", (c. 1853 - December 16, 1833) was a Chiricahua, Western Apache warrior, who also served as a scout for General George Crook during the Apache wars. Tso-ay was wounded while fighting alongside Geronimo and Chihuahua against Mexican troops, who had ambushed them after the Apache had crossed the border while being pursued by American troops.


Tso-ay, also known as "Peaches", (c. 1853 - December 16, 1833) was a Chiricahua, Western Apache warrior, who also served as a scout for General George Crook during the Apache wars. Tso-ay was wounded while fighting alongside Geronimo and Chihuahua against Mexican troops, who had ambushed them after the Apache had crossed the border while being pursued by American troops.