Tui Nadi

Tui Nadi (or I Nakuruvarua, Navatulevu, na Momo na Tui Nadi in full) is the title of the Paramount Chief of Nadi, in Fiji. The Tui Nadi hails from the village of Narewa, and exercises chiefly authority over the subdistricts of Nadi (Narewa, Nakavu, Namotomoto, Navoci, and Dratabu villages) and Sikituru (Sikituru, Moala, Yavunsania, Korovuto villages).

Tui Nadi

Tui Nadi (or I Nakuruvarua, Navatulevu, na Momo na Tui Nadi in full) is the title of the Paramount Chief of Nadi, in Fiji. The Tui Nadi hails from the village of Narewa, and exercises chiefly authority over the subdistricts of Nadi (Narewa, Nakavu, Namotomoto, Navoci, and Dratabu villages) and Sikituru (Sikituru, Moala, Yavunsania, Korovuto villages).