Turhan Cemal Beriker Boulevard

The Turhan Cemal Beriker Boulevard is a major thoroughfare through the Seyhan district of Adana, Turkey. Historically, it was known for European trucks with freight targeting the Mid-Eastern countries. It is located on the state roadway D-400. Historically, that boulevard is located on the 1 state roadway and E 5. As the economy of Turkey became capable to produce goods for the Mid-East, trucks from Europe (especially 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x), are no longer pass through this roadway.

Turhan Cemal Beriker Boulevard

The Turhan Cemal Beriker Boulevard is a major thoroughfare through the Seyhan district of Adana, Turkey. Historically, it was known for European trucks with freight targeting the Mid-Eastern countries. It is located on the state roadway D-400. Historically, that boulevard is located on the 1 state roadway and E 5. As the economy of Turkey became capable to produce goods for the Mid-East, trucks from Europe (especially 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x, 23x), are no longer pass through this roadway.