USS Kitty Hawk riot

The USS Kitty Hawk riot, sometimes called the Kitty Hawk mutiny, was part of widespread antiwar protests within the US armed forces which took place as part of a movement called SOS (Stop Our Ships/Support Our Sailors) on the United States Navy aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk on the night of 12/13 October 1972, off the coast of Vietnam while participating in Operation Linebacker of the Vietnam War. A report by the House Armed Services Committee concluded that the rebellion had been precipitated by orders received to return to Vietnam from Subic Bay. These orders were given after incidents of sabotage by American sailors had disabled USS Ranger and USS Forrestal. Kitty Hawk was eventually forced to retire to San Diego and was removed from the war.

USS Kitty Hawk riot

The USS Kitty Hawk riot, sometimes called the Kitty Hawk mutiny, was part of widespread antiwar protests within the US armed forces which took place as part of a movement called SOS (Stop Our Ships/Support Our Sailors) on the United States Navy aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk on the night of 12/13 October 1972, off the coast of Vietnam while participating in Operation Linebacker of the Vietnam War. A report by the House Armed Services Committee concluded that the rebellion had been precipitated by orders received to return to Vietnam from Subic Bay. These orders were given after incidents of sabotage by American sailors had disabled USS Ranger and USS Forrestal. Kitty Hawk was eventually forced to retire to San Diego and was removed from the war.