Understanding Islam (TV show)

Understanding Islam is a weekly educational show that broadcasts on Dubai One TV, a channel of Dubai Media Incorporated, and the broadcast covers the Middle East, Europe and Africa, on nilesat 101, Arabsat BADR-4, AsiaSat 5 and Yahsat in HD.Each Friday, the show highlights some of the tenets of Islam, and it aims at explaining the foundations of the Muslims faith by exploring it from different angles, from the simplest fundamentals to the most complex questions of how faith applies to everyday lives.Understanding Islam is prepared and presented by Dr. Mohammed Alkobaisi,. Dr. Mohammed Alkobaisi is a grand Mufti at Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai.

Understanding Islam (TV show)

Understanding Islam is a weekly educational show that broadcasts on Dubai One TV, a channel of Dubai Media Incorporated, and the broadcast covers the Middle East, Europe and Africa, on nilesat 101, Arabsat BADR-4, AsiaSat 5 and Yahsat in HD.Each Friday, the show highlights some of the tenets of Islam, and it aims at explaining the foundations of the Muslims faith by exploring it from different angles, from the simplest fundamentals to the most complex questions of how faith applies to everyday lives.Understanding Islam is prepared and presented by Dr. Mohammed Alkobaisi,. Dr. Mohammed Alkobaisi is a grand Mufti at Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai.