Unitary Law

The Law on Economic Growth, Social Progress and Fiscal Redressment (French: Loi d'expansion économique, de progrès social et de redressement financier, Dutch: wet voor de economische expansie, de sociale vooruitgang en het financieel herstel), better known as the Unitary Law (Loi unique or Eenheidswet), was a Belgian law passed in 1961. The law introduced a fiscal austerity programme, intended to reduce Belgium’s large government debt and to respond to the independence of the Belgian Congo in 1960. It was championed by the Christian Social Party government of Gaston Eyskens.

Unitary Law

The Law on Economic Growth, Social Progress and Fiscal Redressment (French: Loi d'expansion économique, de progrès social et de redressement financier, Dutch: wet voor de economische expansie, de sociale vooruitgang en het financieel herstel), better known as the Unitary Law (Loi unique or Eenheidswet), was a Belgian law passed in 1961. The law introduced a fiscal austerity programme, intended to reduce Belgium’s large government debt and to respond to the independence of the Belgian Congo in 1960. It was championed by the Christian Social Party government of Gaston Eyskens.