United Nations Security Council Resolution 1114

United Nations Security Council resolution 1114, adopted on 19 June 1997, after recalling Resolution 1101 (1997) on the situation in Albania, the Council authorised an extension to the multinational force in the country for a further 45 days, beginning on 28 June 1997. The resolution was adopted by 14 votes to none against, with one abstention from China, which was against what it called "interference in the internal affairs of Albania", and had opposed the earlier intervention authorised in Resolution 1101. Given Albanian's request for assistance however, it did not veto the resolution.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1114

United Nations Security Council resolution 1114, adopted on 19 June 1997, after recalling Resolution 1101 (1997) on the situation in Albania, the Council authorised an extension to the multinational force in the country for a further 45 days, beginning on 28 June 1997. The resolution was adopted by 14 votes to none against, with one abstention from China, which was against what it called "interference in the internal affairs of Albania", and had opposed the earlier intervention authorised in Resolution 1101. Given Albanian's request for assistance however, it did not veto the resolution.