University of Chicago Law School

The University of Chicago Law School is the graduate school of law at the University of Chicago. It was founded in 1902 by a coalition of donors led by John D. Rockefeller. U.S. News & World Report ranks Chicago fourth among U.S. law schools, and it is noted for its influence on the economic analysis of law. The University of Chicago Law School was ranked third in the country by the 2015 Above The Law Rankings, which ranks law schools based on employment outcomes such as quality of jobs, federal clerkships, and alumni satisfaction. Chicago is ranked second by Brian Leiter of the University of Chicago Law School on the "Top 15 Schools From Which the Most 'Prestigious' Law Firms Hire New Lawyers," and first for "Faculty quality based on American Academy of Arts and Sciences Membership." It i

University of Chicago Law School

The University of Chicago Law School is the graduate school of law at the University of Chicago. It was founded in 1902 by a coalition of donors led by John D. Rockefeller. U.S. News & World Report ranks Chicago fourth among U.S. law schools, and it is noted for its influence on the economic analysis of law. The University of Chicago Law School was ranked third in the country by the 2015 Above The Law Rankings, which ranks law schools based on employment outcomes such as quality of jobs, federal clerkships, and alumni satisfaction. Chicago is ranked second by Brian Leiter of the University of Chicago Law School on the "Top 15 Schools From Which the Most 'Prestigious' Law Firms Hire New Lawyers," and first for "Faculty quality based on American Academy of Arts and Sciences Membership." It i