University of Illinois round barns

The three University of Illinois round barns played a special role in the promotion and popularity of the American round barn. They are located in the U.S. city of Urbana, Illinois on the campus of the University of Illinois (U of I). The University of Illinois was home to one of the Agricultural Experiment Stations, located at U.S. universities, which were at the heart of the promotion of the round barn. At least one round barn in Illinois was built specifically after its owner viewed the barns at the university. Though originally an experiment the three barns helped to lead the way for round barn construction throughout the Midwest, particularly in Illinois. The barns were listed as contributing properties to the U of I Experimental Dairy Farm Historic District, which was listed on the U

University of Illinois round barns

The three University of Illinois round barns played a special role in the promotion and popularity of the American round barn. They are located in the U.S. city of Urbana, Illinois on the campus of the University of Illinois (U of I). The University of Illinois was home to one of the Agricultural Experiment Stations, located at U.S. universities, which were at the heart of the promotion of the round barn. At least one round barn in Illinois was built specifically after its owner viewed the barns at the university. Though originally an experiment the three barns helped to lead the way for round barn construction throughout the Midwest, particularly in Illinois. The barns were listed as contributing properties to the U of I Experimental Dairy Farm Historic District, which was listed on the U