Up Saw Liz

"Up Saw Liz" is a song by Belgian singer Stromae, released in 2009 as a no-album single. In 2010, the song and a remix were featured on Stromae's 2nd EP, called "Mixture Elecstro". The title, "Up Saw Liz" has no significant meaning. Stromae has stated in one of his YouTube videos that the concept of the song was to point out that when it comes to a song, people care more about the beat than the lyrics. He even states this in the song: De toute façon tu t'enfous de c'que j'dirais. Que je fasse mon refrain ou pas, que je le bosse ou que j'le bacle alors j'dirais n'importe quoi, which in English means "anyway you don't care about what I'd say. If I make a chorus or not, whether I work hard on it or mess it up, so I'd say nonsense". While the song has not charted yet, it is relatively popular

Up Saw Liz

"Up Saw Liz" is a song by Belgian singer Stromae, released in 2009 as a no-album single. In 2010, the song and a remix were featured on Stromae's 2nd EP, called "Mixture Elecstro". The title, "Up Saw Liz" has no significant meaning. Stromae has stated in one of his YouTube videos that the concept of the song was to point out that when it comes to a song, people care more about the beat than the lyrics. He even states this in the song: De toute façon tu t'enfous de c'que j'dirais. Que je fasse mon refrain ou pas, que je le bosse ou que j'le bacle alors j'dirais n'importe quoi, which in English means "anyway you don't care about what I'd say. If I make a chorus or not, whether I work hard on it or mess it up, so I'd say nonsense". While the song has not charted yet, it is relatively popular