Urbanus procne

Urbanus procne, the brown longtail, is a butterfly of the Hesperiidae family. It is found from Argentina, north through Central America and Mexico to southern Texas. Rare strays can be found up to southern New Mexico, southern Arizona and southern California. The wingspan is 37–48 mm. There are thee generations per year in southern Texas. The larvae feed on various grasses, including Cynodon dactylon and Sorghum halepense. * In the United States * In Tobago

Urbanus procne

Urbanus procne, the brown longtail, is a butterfly of the Hesperiidae family. It is found from Argentina, north through Central America and Mexico to southern Texas. Rare strays can be found up to southern New Mexico, southern Arizona and southern California. The wingspan is 37–48 mm. There are thee generations per year in southern Texas. The larvae feed on various grasses, including Cynodon dactylon and Sorghum halepense. * In the United States * In Tobago