Vatican Radio lawsuit

The Vatican Radio lawsuit was started by the Regional Health Department for "Throwing of dangerous things" on the Italian ground at their antenna site. The Santa Maria di Galeria transmitter site is the subject of a dispute between the station and some local residents who claim the non-ionising radiation from the site has affected their health. However these claims are not accepted by the station. The only peer reviewed study of these statistics did find a statisticly higher incidence of leuchemia within 6 km of the transmitter site, stated that no causal implication can be drawn. Every time it has been sued, the station showed the 'Lateran Treaty', bilateral agreements signed by the Holy See and Benito Mussolini which exempt it from Italian Law. (The area around the antennas at the time i

Vatican Radio lawsuit

The Vatican Radio lawsuit was started by the Regional Health Department for "Throwing of dangerous things" on the Italian ground at their antenna site. The Santa Maria di Galeria transmitter site is the subject of a dispute between the station and some local residents who claim the non-ionising radiation from the site has affected their health. However these claims are not accepted by the station. The only peer reviewed study of these statistics did find a statisticly higher incidence of leuchemia within 6 km of the transmitter site, stated that no causal implication can be drawn. Every time it has been sued, the station showed the 'Lateran Treaty', bilateral agreements signed by the Holy See and Benito Mussolini which exempt it from Italian Law. (The area around the antennas at the time i