View of the Garden of the Villa Medici

View of the Garden of the Villa Medici is a small painting by Diego Velázquez of the garden at the Villa Medici in Rome, with some figures standing watching an unseen event, possibly the works behind the scaffolding in the middle of the building in the background. It is now in the Prado. There is some controversy as to its date, with some scholars believing it was made during the artist's first trip to Italy (1629-31) and others feeling its advanced technique must mean it belongs to his second trip (1649-51). There is another version with similar features and the same title, and the two are of similar size and vary little in their execution and manner of depicting the garden.

View of the Garden of the Villa Medici

View of the Garden of the Villa Medici is a small painting by Diego Velázquez of the garden at the Villa Medici in Rome, with some figures standing watching an unseen event, possibly the works behind the scaffolding in the middle of the building in the background. It is now in the Prado. There is some controversy as to its date, with some scholars believing it was made during the artist's first trip to Italy (1629-31) and others feeling its advanced technique must mean it belongs to his second trip (1649-51). There is another version with similar features and the same title, and the two are of similar size and vary little in their execution and manner of depicting the garden.