Viking Trilogy

The Viking Trilogy is a trilogy of juvenile historical novels by Henry Treece. They are Viking's Dawn, The Road to Miklagard and Viking's Sunset. Treece wrote several juvenile historical novels, some set during the viking era, and this trilogy is regarded as among his best. The three novels describe the adventures of Harald Sigurdson, a Norwegian viking. He goes on three voyages, which between them are representative of the various voyages which were made by the Vikings, and which take place at different stages in his life.

Viking Trilogy

The Viking Trilogy is a trilogy of juvenile historical novels by Henry Treece. They are Viking's Dawn, The Road to Miklagard and Viking's Sunset. Treece wrote several juvenile historical novels, some set during the viking era, and this trilogy is regarded as among his best. The three novels describe the adventures of Harald Sigurdson, a Norwegian viking. He goes on three voyages, which between them are representative of the various voyages which were made by the Vikings, and which take place at different stages in his life.