Vivek Chibber

Vivek Chibber is an American academic, Marxist theorist, editor and professor of sociology at New York University. He is the author of two books, and a contributor to New Left Review. In his second book, he demonstrated how postcolonial studies are based on three false premises, and do not stand to scrutiny. His analysis is based on critiques of the works of Ranajit Guha and Dipesh Chakrabarty to argue that false analyses of Indian and European history lead to false premises of Subaltern Studies . He argues for universalism.

Vivek Chibber

Vivek Chibber is an American academic, Marxist theorist, editor and professor of sociology at New York University. He is the author of two books, and a contributor to New Left Review. In his second book, he demonstrated how postcolonial studies are based on three false premises, and do not stand to scrutiny. His analysis is based on critiques of the works of Ranajit Guha and Dipesh Chakrabarty to argue that false analyses of Indian and European history lead to false premises of Subaltern Studies . He argues for universalism.