Vodka war

Vodka war refers to heated discussions within the European Union about the definition of which hard liquors may or may not be branded as "vodka". The war was triggered by the actions of Diageo, who began marketing their Cîroc beverage as a vodka uniquely produced exclusively from grapes. On February 20, 2006 Poland put a demand to restrict the definition of Vodka within EU, and the move was supported by the vodka belt countries and Germany" This demand was triggered by a 2005 European Commission proposal to split vodka category into several subcategories basing on the flavor and raw materials.

Vodka war

Vodka war refers to heated discussions within the European Union about the definition of which hard liquors may or may not be branded as "vodka". The war was triggered by the actions of Diageo, who began marketing their Cîroc beverage as a vodka uniquely produced exclusively from grapes. On February 20, 2006 Poland put a demand to restrict the definition of Vodka within EU, and the move was supported by the vodka belt countries and Germany" This demand was triggered by a 2005 European Commission proposal to split vodka category into several subcategories basing on the flavor and raw materials.