Volkert, Inc.

Volkert, Inc. is a privately held consulting firm based in Mobile, Alabama. The company offers engineering, environmental consulting, program management, and construction services. It was founded in 1925 in New Orleans as Doullut and Ewin, Inc. The company operates with a workforce of 740 people at more than 25 offices in 11 states and the District of Columbia. Volkert was ranked at 119 among the top 500 design firms in the United States in 2012 by Engineering News-Record, a decrease from a rank of 116 by the same publication in 2011.

Volkert, Inc.

Volkert, Inc. is a privately held consulting firm based in Mobile, Alabama. The company offers engineering, environmental consulting, program management, and construction services. It was founded in 1925 in New Orleans as Doullut and Ewin, Inc. The company operates with a workforce of 740 people at more than 25 offices in 11 states and the District of Columbia. Volkert was ranked at 119 among the top 500 design firms in the United States in 2012 by Engineering News-Record, a decrease from a rank of 116 by the same publication in 2011.