WTOP-10 T.V. is a student television station in Oswego, New York. Originating on the SUNY Oswego campus and seen on cable channel 10.1 on the on-campus cable system. WTOP-10 T.V. is the only local television station originating from Oswego County. It broadcast from the Al Roker Television Studio in the college's [Marano Campus Center], owned by SUNY Oswego and receives funding from the Student Association and outside sales. Aside from its on-campus viewership, select programs are also seen on public-access television cable TV channel 96 on Time Warner Cable and also online. WTOP is viewable on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week when the college is in session. However, the news is only from Sunday through Thursday.


WTOP-10 T.V. is a student television station in Oswego, New York. Originating on the SUNY Oswego campus and seen on cable channel 10.1 on the on-campus cable system. WTOP-10 T.V. is the only local television station originating from Oswego County. It broadcast from the Al Roker Television Studio in the college's [Marano Campus Center], owned by SUNY Oswego and receives funding from the Student Association and outside sales. Aside from its on-campus viewership, select programs are also seen on public-access television cable TV channel 96 on Time Warner Cable and also online. WTOP is viewable on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week when the college is in session. However, the news is only from Sunday through Thursday.