Werner Erhard & Associates v. Christopher Cox for Congress

Werner Erhard and Associates v. Christopher Cox for Congress is a lawsuit that was filed in 1988 by the company Werner Erhard and Associates and its owner Werner Erhard (the founder of Erhard Seminars Training, or "est") against then-Congressional candidate Christopher Cox and his campaign organization Christopher Cox for Congress. Cox's campaign sent out material which was critical of Rosenberg's ties to Erhard and Erhard's organizations. The mailer described Rosenberg as an "est advocate", and quoted a Los Angeles magazine article which had said the Cult Awareness Network described Erhard's organization as a "destructive cult". Cox's campaign also called citizens and asked them what they thought of a political candidate who had connections "with that cult est". Cox won the election in th

Werner Erhard & Associates v. Christopher Cox for Congress

Werner Erhard and Associates v. Christopher Cox for Congress is a lawsuit that was filed in 1988 by the company Werner Erhard and Associates and its owner Werner Erhard (the founder of Erhard Seminars Training, or "est") against then-Congressional candidate Christopher Cox and his campaign organization Christopher Cox for Congress. Cox's campaign sent out material which was critical of Rosenberg's ties to Erhard and Erhard's organizations. The mailer described Rosenberg as an "est advocate", and quoted a Los Angeles magazine article which had said the Cult Awareness Network described Erhard's organization as a "destructive cult". Cox's campaign also called citizens and asked them what they thought of a political candidate who had connections "with that cult est". Cox won the election in th