White House Office of the Staff Secretary

The Staff Secretary ("Staff Sec") is a position in the White House Office responsible for managing paper flow to the President and circulating documents among senior staff for comment. The Staff Secretary is also responsible for determining when the flag is lowered to half mast. Joani Walsh is the current Staff Secretary in the Administration of President Barack Obama, she was appointed to the position in early 2014. She previously served as an Assistant Staff Secretary earlier in the administration.

White House Office of the Staff Secretary

The Staff Secretary ("Staff Sec") is a position in the White House Office responsible for managing paper flow to the President and circulating documents among senior staff for comment. The Staff Secretary is also responsible for determining when the flag is lowered to half mast. Joani Walsh is the current Staff Secretary in the Administration of President Barack Obama, she was appointed to the position in early 2014. She previously served as an Assistant Staff Secretary earlier in the administration.