White Niggers of America

White Niggers of America (French: Les Nègres blancs d'Amérique) is a work of non-fiction literature written by Pierre Vallières, a leader of the Front de libération du Québec. White Niggers of America chronicles the history of the French colonists of North America, first in the New France colonial empire, and then in British North America. A book about exploitation, author Vallières compares to some extent the plight of these immigrants to that of blacks in the American South, arguing that both groups were forcibly imported to the New World and subsequently exploited by aristocrat capitalists.

White Niggers of America

White Niggers of America (French: Les Nègres blancs d'Amérique) is a work of non-fiction literature written by Pierre Vallières, a leader of the Front de libération du Québec. White Niggers of America chronicles the history of the French colonists of North America, first in the New France colonial empire, and then in British North America. A book about exploitation, author Vallières compares to some extent the plight of these immigrants to that of blacks in the American South, arguing that both groups were forcibly imported to the New World and subsequently exploited by aristocrat capitalists.