Wilgie Mia

Wilgie Mia is an ochre mine in the Weld Range of Western Australia. Excavations have occurred for at least 40,000 years and 14,000 cubic metres (490,000 cu ft) of material has been removed, leading to suggestions that this is the world's oldest continuing mining operation. Wilgie Mia ochre has been used in the production of rock art and other painting practices throughout many regions of Australia. It had important cultural significance to many surrounding communities until the final dispersal of the local group by colonial miners in the 1930s.

Wilgie Mia

Wilgie Mia is an ochre mine in the Weld Range of Western Australia. Excavations have occurred for at least 40,000 years and 14,000 cubic metres (490,000 cu ft) of material has been removed, leading to suggestions that this is the world's oldest continuing mining operation. Wilgie Mia ochre has been used in the production of rock art and other painting practices throughout many regions of Australia. It had important cultural significance to many surrounding communities until the final dispersal of the local group by colonial miners in the 1930s.