Women's mosques

Women's mosques (Chinese: [清真]女寺; pinyin: [Qīngzhēn] nǚ sì) have existed in China for several hundred years. They can be found in the Chinese provinces of Henan, Shanxi and Hebei. Some countries beyond China also have women-only mosques, but they are rare. For religious reasons, Hui communities had started to cultivate more theological learning among the women. As a result, a portion of the female Muslims who had experienced a religious education, gradually incorporated Islamic observances into their daily religious activities, and this produced the establishment of women's mosques.

Women's mosques

Women's mosques (Chinese: [清真]女寺; pinyin: [Qīngzhēn] nǚ sì) have existed in China for several hundred years. They can be found in the Chinese provinces of Henan, Shanxi and Hebei. Some countries beyond China also have women-only mosques, but they are rare. For religious reasons, Hui communities had started to cultivate more theological learning among the women. As a result, a portion of the female Muslims who had experienced a religious education, gradually incorporated Islamic observances into their daily religious activities, and this produced the establishment of women's mosques.