
(For other uses, see XTalk (disambiguation).) xTalk is a loosely defined family of scripting languages. The mother of all xTalk languages is HyperTalk, the language used by Apple's HyperCard environment. These languages are characterized by simple English-like syntaxes, using real-life metaphors on top of a Smalltalk-style image and message sending apparatus, with Pascal-style block boundaries, but a less rigid structure.


(For other uses, see XTalk (disambiguation).) xTalk is a loosely defined family of scripting languages. The mother of all xTalk languages is HyperTalk, the language used by Apple's HyperCard environment. These languages are characterized by simple English-like syntaxes, using real-life metaphors on top of a Smalltalk-style image and message sending apparatus, with Pascal-style block boundaries, but a less rigid structure.