
Yavanna [jaˈvanːa] is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, written about in The Silmarillion. In Tolkien's pantheon, Yavanna is the goddess of Kelvar (Fauna) and Olvar (Flora). She is the elder sister of Vána, and is the spouse of Aulë. Yavanna was responsible for the creation of the Two Trees as well as the provider of the fruit that created the Sun and the Moon, resulting in the end of the Sleep of Yavanna. Yavanna is the creator of "all things that grow" and planted the first seeds of Arda:


Yavanna [jaˈvanːa] is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, written about in The Silmarillion. In Tolkien's pantheon, Yavanna is the goddess of Kelvar (Fauna) and Olvar (Flora). She is the elder sister of Vána, and is the spouse of Aulë. Yavanna was responsible for the creation of the Two Trees as well as the provider of the fruit that created the Sun and the Moon, resulting in the end of the Sleep of Yavanna. Yavanna is the creator of "all things that grow" and planted the first seeds of Arda: