Yellow-naped amazon

The yellow-naped amazon or yellow-naped parrot (Amazona auropalliata) is an amazon parrot sometimes considered to be a subspecies of yellow-crowned amazon, Amazona ochrocephala (Gmelin, 1788). Deforestation is reducing the number of these parrots in the wild together with illegal removal of young for the pet trade. This parrot readily mimics sounds, and in captivity this includes human speech, which is probably the reason it is popular in aviculture. Like all parrots, however, mimic abilities vary greatly between individuals.

Yellow-naped amazon

The yellow-naped amazon or yellow-naped parrot (Amazona auropalliata) is an amazon parrot sometimes considered to be a subspecies of yellow-crowned amazon, Amazona ochrocephala (Gmelin, 1788). Deforestation is reducing the number of these parrots in the wild together with illegal removal of young for the pet trade. This parrot readily mimics sounds, and in captivity this includes human speech, which is probably the reason it is popular in aviculture. Like all parrots, however, mimic abilities vary greatly between individuals.