The company was established in January 2001, based on the results of the research encouraged the Kitano Symbiotic System Project, under the jurisdiction of Japan‘s MEXT. Their first product released was the humanoid robot PINO in 2001. The name of the company comes from the walking algorithm Zero Moment Point. More recently, they released the humanoid robot nuvo in 2005 and the music robot miuro in 2006. In 2009, the research platform for next generation cars RoboCar was released.


The company was established in January 2001, based on the results of the research encouraged the Kitano Symbiotic System Project, under the jurisdiction of Japan‘s MEXT. Their first product released was the humanoid robot PINO in 2001. The name of the company comes from the walking algorithm Zero Moment Point. More recently, they released the humanoid robot nuvo in 2005 and the music robot miuro in 2006. In 2009, the research platform for next generation cars RoboCar was released.