Çun Mula

Çun Mula (1818-1896) was the bajraktar ("flag-bearer") of the Hoti tribe (today divided between Montenegro and Albania) and an Albanian freedom fighter. His family, the Lucgjonaj, descended from the Junçaj family of Hoti. According to the Code of Lekë Dukagjini, Çun Mula's family was put in charge of the Malësia tribes, leading them bravely and faithfully in the many wars against Serbo-Montenegrin and Ottoman forces.

Çun Mula

Çun Mula (1818-1896) was the bajraktar ("flag-bearer") of the Hoti tribe (today divided between Montenegro and Albania) and an Albanian freedom fighter. His family, the Lucgjonaj, descended from the Junçaj family of Hoti. According to the Code of Lekë Dukagjini, Çun Mula's family was put in charge of the Malësia tribes, leading them bravely and faithfully in the many wars against Serbo-Montenegrin and Ottoman forces.