"È" is a letter. * The letter E with a grave accent. * In English, the letter è is sometimes used in the past tense forms of verbs in poetic texts to indicate that the final syllable should be pronounced separately. For example, blessèd would indicate the pronunciation /ˈblɛsɪd/ BLESS-id rather than /blɛst/ BLEST. It also occurs in loanwords such as Italian caffè. * In Emilian, è is used to represent [ɛː], e.g. lèt [lɛːt] "bed". In Romagnol, it represents [ɛ], e.g. vècc' [vɛtʃː] "old men". * In French, it always represents a [ɛ] sound of letter e when this is at the end of a syllable. * È means "is" in modern Italian [ɛ], e.g. il cane è piccolo meaning "the dog is small". It is derived from Latin ĕst and is accented to distinguish it from the conjunction e meaning "and". È is also use


"È" is a letter. * The letter E with a grave accent. * In English, the letter è is sometimes used in the past tense forms of verbs in poetic texts to indicate that the final syllable should be pronounced separately. For example, blessèd would indicate the pronunciation /ˈblɛsɪd/ BLESS-id rather than /blɛst/ BLEST. It also occurs in loanwords such as Italian caffè. * In Emilian, è is used to represent [ɛː], e.g. lèt [lɛːt] "bed". In Romagnol, it represents [ɛ], e.g. vècc' [vɛtʃː] "old men". * In French, it always represents a [ɛ] sound of letter e when this is at the end of a syllable. * È means "is" in modern Italian [ɛ], e.g. il cane è piccolo meaning "the dog is small". It is derived from Latin ĕst and is accented to distinguish it from the conjunction e meaning "and". È is also use