Óscar Izurieta Molina

Óscar Izurieta Molina (October 24, 1909 – August 17, 1990) was a Chilean military man.Molina had the grade of General of the Army and was Commander in Chief of the Army of Chile from November 14, 1958 to November 3, 1964. He is the father of former commander in chief, General Oscar Izurieta Ferrer and was the first commander in chief who used the name of Army General as Commander in Chief. His father was Ricardo Izurieta Torres, a Spanish immigrant originally from Ortigosa de Cameros, La Rioja, Spain, who arrived in Chile during the first decade of the twentieth century.

Óscar Izurieta Molina

Óscar Izurieta Molina (October 24, 1909 – August 17, 1990) was a Chilean military man.Molina had the grade of General of the Army and was Commander in Chief of the Army of Chile from November 14, 1958 to November 3, 1964. He is the father of former commander in chief, General Oscar Izurieta Ferrer and was the first commander in chief who used the name of Army General as Commander in Chief. His father was Ricardo Izurieta Torres, a Spanish immigrant originally from Ortigosa de Cameros, La Rioja, Spain, who arrived in Chile during the first decade of the twentieth century.