.425 Westley Richards

The .425 Westley Richards is one of the classic African big-game rounds. It is a cartridge invented by Leslie Taylor of Westley Richards, a gunmaking firm of Birmingham England in 1909 as a proprietary cartridge for their bolt action rifles. The round has the unusual characteristic of having a rebated rim, one that is smaller in diameter than the case body. This allowed it to be used in converted Mauser 98 magazine rifles with a standard (.30-06 size) magazine length and bolt face. The rebated rim also allowed government game officers to use stripper clips for rapid reloads when culling rogue animals.

.425 Westley Richards

The .425 Westley Richards is one of the classic African big-game rounds. It is a cartridge invented by Leslie Taylor of Westley Richards, a gunmaking firm of Birmingham England in 1909 as a proprietary cartridge for their bolt action rifles. The round has the unusual characteristic of having a rebated rim, one that is smaller in diameter than the case body. This allowed it to be used in converted Mauser 98 magazine rifles with a standard (.30-06 size) magazine length and bolt face. The rebated rim also allowed government game officers to use stripper clips for rapid reloads when culling rogue animals.