
.mo is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Macao. The registry for this domain name is operated by the Macao Network Information Centre (MONIC). Operated by the University of Macau since 1992, MONIC administers the registration of the country-code domain names ccTLD. To further promote the development of services, the Government of Macau changed the operation entity of MONIC. Effective from 12 March 2011, HNET Asia Limited appointed by the Macau government, is responsible for operating MONIC.


.mo is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Macao. The registry for this domain name is operated by the Macao Network Information Centre (MONIC). Operated by the University of Macau since 1992, MONIC administers the registration of the country-code domain names ccTLD. To further promote the development of services, the Government of Macau changed the operation entity of MONIC. Effective from 12 March 2011, HNET Asia Limited appointed by the Macau government, is responsible for operating MONIC.