10th Infantry Regiment (Poland)

10th Infantry Regiment (Polish language: 10 Pułk Piechoty, 10 pp) was an infantry regiment of the Polish Army. It existed from 1918 until 1939. Garrisoned in Łowicz, the unit belonged to the 26th Infantry Division from Skierniewice. After the Polish-Soviet War, the regiment was moved to central Polish town of Łowicz, to Jozef Pilsudski Barracks, located on Podrzeczna Street. As part of the 19th Infantry Division, it fought in the Invasion of Poland, and was destroyed in the Battle of Bzura.

10th Infantry Regiment (Poland)

10th Infantry Regiment (Polish language: 10 Pułk Piechoty, 10 pp) was an infantry regiment of the Polish Army. It existed from 1918 until 1939. Garrisoned in Łowicz, the unit belonged to the 26th Infantry Division from Skierniewice. After the Polish-Soviet War, the regiment was moved to central Polish town of Łowicz, to Jozef Pilsudski Barracks, located on Podrzeczna Street. As part of the 19th Infantry Division, it fought in the Invasion of Poland, and was destroyed in the Battle of Bzura.