11th U-boat Flotilla

The 11th U-boat Flotilla (German 11. Unterseebootsflottille) was formed on 15 May 1942 in Bergen, Norway. The flotilla operated mainly in the North Sea and against the Russian convoys (JW-, PQ-, QP- and RA series) in the Arctic Sea. The flotilla operated various marks of the Type VII U-boat until September 1944, when it had an influx of some Type IX boats from France. It also was the only flotilla to field the Type XXI U-boat for operational use, but the war ended before U-2511 saw action. The Flotilla was disbanded on 9 May 1945 with the German surrender.

11th U-boat Flotilla

The 11th U-boat Flotilla (German 11. Unterseebootsflottille) was formed on 15 May 1942 in Bergen, Norway. The flotilla operated mainly in the North Sea and against the Russian convoys (JW-, PQ-, QP- and RA series) in the Arctic Sea. The flotilla operated various marks of the Type VII U-boat until September 1944, when it had an influx of some Type IX boats from France. It also was the only flotilla to field the Type XXI U-boat for operational use, but the war ended before U-2511 saw action. The Flotilla was disbanded on 9 May 1945 with the German surrender.