1428 Elm Street

1428 Elm Street, also known as [the] Elm Street House, is a fictional residential house and street address in Springwood, Ohio, and is an important location in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, where it has been the home of Nancy Thompson and her mother, later Jesse Walsh and his family, and finally Lori Campbell and her father throughout the film series. It has also been hinted at to have been Freddy Krueger's home when he was alive. It further appears in some form in nearly all the films, as well as literature, comics, video games and music videos. The house, like Nancy, Tina Gray, Kristen Parker as well as their mutual tormentor and eventual murderer Freddy Krueger, were all conceived by the late horror legend Wes Craven.

1428 Elm Street

1428 Elm Street, also known as [the] Elm Street House, is a fictional residential house and street address in Springwood, Ohio, and is an important location in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, where it has been the home of Nancy Thompson and her mother, later Jesse Walsh and his family, and finally Lori Campbell and her father throughout the film series. It has also been hinted at to have been Freddy Krueger's home when he was alive. It further appears in some form in nearly all the films, as well as literature, comics, video games and music videos. The house, like Nancy, Tina Gray, Kristen Parker as well as their mutual tormentor and eventual murderer Freddy Krueger, were all conceived by the late horror legend Wes Craven.