15th–16th century Moscow–Constantinople schism

A schism between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and part of its (which later became the Moscow Patriarchate) occurred between approximately 1467 and 1560. This schism de facto ended supposedly around 1560. Relations were gradually restored and in 1560 the Patriarch of Constantinople considered the Metropolitan of Moscow to be his exarch. In 1589–1591, the Church of Moscow was recognized as autocephalous, and the Patriarch of Moscow later became the fifth Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

15th–16th century Moscow–Constantinople schism

A schism between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and part of its (which later became the Moscow Patriarchate) occurred between approximately 1467 and 1560. This schism de facto ended supposedly around 1560. Relations were gradually restored and in 1560 the Patriarch of Constantinople considered the Metropolitan of Moscow to be his exarch. In 1589–1591, the Church of Moscow was recognized as autocephalous, and the Patriarch of Moscow later became the fifth Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church.