15th Wolves Infantry Regiment (Poland)

15th Wolves Infantry Regiment (Polish language: 15 Pulk Piechoty Wilkow, 15 pp) was an infantry regiment of the Polish Army. It existed from January 1919 until September 1939. Garrisoned first in Bochnia and Ostrow Mazowiecka, and finally in Deblin (1921–1939), the unit belonged to the 28th Infantry Division from Warsaw.

15th Wolves Infantry Regiment (Poland)

15th Wolves Infantry Regiment (Polish language: 15 Pulk Piechoty Wilkow, 15 pp) was an infantry regiment of the Polish Army. It existed from January 1919 until September 1939. Garrisoned first in Bochnia and Ostrow Mazowiecka, and finally in Deblin (1921–1939), the unit belonged to the 28th Infantry Division from Warsaw.